Quick guide ('?' to toggle)
Click+drag with the mouse to rotate, scroll to zoom.
Or use the buttons in the upper left. The Home button resets the view.
Or use the arrow keys and Page Up / Page Down. The Home key resets the view.
Use the opacity slider on the left to reveal layers.
Click on the toggle below the slider to control layers individually.
Use the searchbox at the upper right to search, or click on entities to select them.
Click on the background or on a label to undo selection.
Ctrl+click on entities or labels to hide entities. (Cmd+click on mac.)
Shift+click on entities or labels (or click on the 'pin' icon in a label) to pin an entity. This will keep it selected while you select more.
Some entities can be expanded by clicking on the 'plus' on a label.
Use the model button at the top of the slider to switch models (if others available).
Quick guide ('?' to toggle)